March 10


March Into A Healthy YOU

By Jennifer Bell

March 10, 2023

Exercise, Healthy Life, Wellness

Spring is here, and with the new season comes a chance to start fresh. When it comes to health, March can be the perfect month to make positive changes in your life. Eating a plant-based diet has many benefits that go beyond just physical health – it can also improve your mental and emotional wellbeing. 

If you’re ready to take on a healthier lifestyle this spring, consider introducing more plant-based foods into your meals. Plant-based diets are rich in essential nutrients like fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that can help reduce inflammation in the body and promote overall health. Plus, getting rid of processed foods from your diet can help you maintain balanced energy levels throughout the day and get better sleep at night.

If you haven’t already, start by:

  • setting a goal to make healthier food choices, 
  • get more exercise, 
  • make time for yourself 
  • start small and gradually build up to your goals 
  • get creative with fitness activities, like taking a walk or bike ride outdoors or finding a fun online workout class to try. 

Remember that any movement is beneficial, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Even small changes in your lifestyle can add up to big results in the long run. 

Good luck with your health journey and don’t forget to have fun!

For more tips and strategies to transition to eating more plants, join my free Living Well community.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: Living Well With Jennifer Bell

Until next time, remember to Eat Well To Live Well!

Jennifer Bell

About the author

Jennifer Bell is a Wellness Coach, Author, Thriving Survivor, and Transformational Speaker. She encourages women to prosper in holistic health through eating more plant-based foods .

With a background in education, Jennifer teaches her H.E.A.L. method to help women identify, initiate and implement strategies and behaviors that will lead to sustainable physical, mental and spiritual health.

She is the founder of Living Well With Jennifer Bell, a Community focused on awareness and the pillars of holistic prosperity.

Jennifer shares her transformation story of healing, health and hope to let women know they are not alone and that we can reverse familial diseases and conditions through food that heals our bodies.

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